Pack 39 Scouts Are Loyal, Trustworthy, Helpful and
We know how to have fun!Cub Scout Pack 39 welcomes those in K‐5 and offers family-friendly, outdoor, learning-focused activities!
Mailing List
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How to Join
We are so excited you are interested in joining Pack 39. Let’s get started!
New Parent Info
Need to know what a Den is, or what to get for a uniform? We can help!
Outdoor Fun!
First time camping? No Problem! The pack handles all the hard stuff and can even help setup your tent.
Seasoned camper? You’ll love camping with a hundred friends!
Explore Austin trails, learn to ride a bike and enjoy nature!
Fun with Friends
Our pack is filled with friends, old and new, from all around YOUR neighborhood and the BPE Elementary School.
Launch a rocket and build a Pinewood Derby car!
Why Join BSA?
Scouting isn’t just a fun outdoor program. As Baden-Powell said, it’s a game with a purpose. The Boy Scouts of America expresses that purpose via its broad mission and vision statements.
BSA Mission Statement
“to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law”
BSA Vision Statement
“The Boy Scouts of America will prepare every eligible youth in America to become a responsible, participating citizen and leader who is guided by the Scout Oath and Scout Law.”
Why Join Pack 39?
Our Pack’s goal is to develop character, citizenship, leadership skills, fitness, duty to serve, and a love of the outdoors in every scout.
Life Skills
Character Development & Respectful of relationships
Community Impact
Good citizenship & Friendly service
Sportsmanship, Fitness & Adventure
Get Creative
Pinewood Derby and Group Projects
Methods of Cub Scouting
To accomplish its purposes and achieve the overall goals of building character, learning citizenship, and developing personal fitness, Cub Scouting uses seven methods:
Living the Ideals
Cub Scouting’s values are embedded in the Scout Oath, the Scout Law, the Cub Scout motto, and the Cub Scout sign, handshake, and salute. These practices help establish and reinforce the program’s values in Scouts and the leaders who guide them.
Belonging to a Den
The den—a group of six to eight children who are about the same age—is the place where Cub Scouting starts. In the den, Cub Scouts develop new skills and interests, they practice sportsmanship and good citizenship, and they learn to do their best, not just for themselves but for the den as well.
Using Advancement
Recognition is important to everyone. The advancement plan provides fun for the Scouts, gives them a sense of personal achievement as they earn badges, and strengthens family understanding as adult family members and their den leader work with them on advancement projects.
Involving Family and Home
Whether a Cub Scout lives with two parents or one, a foster family, or other relatives, their family is an important part of Cub Scouting. Parents and adult family members provide leadership and support for Cub Scouting and help ensure that Scouts have a good experience in the program.
Participating in Activities
Cub Scouts participate in a huge array of activities, including games, projects, skits, stunts, songs, outdoor activities, trips and service projects. Besides being fun, these activities offer opportunities for growth, achievement, and family involvement.
Serving Home & Neighborhood
Cub Scouting focuses on the home and neighborhood. It helps Scouts strengthen connections to their local communities, which in turn support the boys’ growth and development.
Cub Scout uniforms serve a dual purpose, demonstrating membership in the group (everyone is dressed alike) and individual achievement (Scouts wear the badges they’ve earned). Wearing the uniform to meetings and activities also encourages a neat appearance, a sense of belonging, and good behavior.
Grow with Us
Something New at Every Rank
A scout can join Cub Scouts at any time from Kinder to fifth grades. New scouts will be placed in a den of similar age/grade. Dens are ideally composed of 8 to 10 scouts, although the number can vary higher especially in later grades. Each Den has an adult Leader and at least one adult Assistant Leader. Leaders are usually a parent of one of the scouts in the Den.

Lions (Kinder)
Gather items you need for outdoor adventure and understand how they are used.
Participate in a flag ceremony with your den

Tiger (1st Grade)
Build and hang a birdhouse
Participate as a team in a service project that helps your community

Wolf (2nd Grade)
Show how to tie an overhand knot and a square knot.
Learn how to properly care for and fold the flag

Bear (3rd Grade)
Learn how to use hand tools safely.
Learn how to use a pocketknife.

Webelos (4th Grade)
Learn first aid and what to do after an accident
Demonstrate how to build a fire

Arrow of Light
Set up a tent without help from an adult.
Tie a square knot, two half hitches & taut-line hitch.
STEM with the Scouts
STEM in Scouting encourages the natural curiosity of youth members about these fields through existing programs including Cub Scout Adventures, Boy Scout Merit Badges, and Venturing STEM Explorations. The NOVA Awards program recognizes BSA youth that excel in STEM at the Cub, Scouts BSA, and Venturing levels. For an added challenge, youth may work towards the SUPERNOVA Awards.

Cub Scout Activities to Learn & Experiment:
STEMboree: Enjoy robots, engineering, “makers”, drones, and more while visiting with scientists and experts who can get your kids excited about science and discovery!
STEM Adventure Weekend: STEM Adventure Weekend is a one day event at Lost Pines Scout Reservation where members of Scouts BSA Troops may work on STEM-related merit badges.
Austin TechLab Provides engaging, exciting, and hands-on activities during the summer in Austin Independent School District’s state-of-the-art Applied Technology Center at Anderson High School.
Nova & Supernova Awards: This program incorporates learning with cool activities and exposure to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)
Get In Touch
Interested in joining?
Contact our Membership Chair, Mercedes Frost:
Questions about the Pack?
Contact our Cub Master, Mason Miller (
Contact our Committee Chair, Robert Paulsen (
Additional contacts and details about the Pack Leadership and Den Leadership can be found on the Pack Committee page.
Journey To Excellence
Pack 39 has earned a Gold Status for the Journey To Excellence (JTE) review for 2018-2020. JTE is the BSA’s planning, performance, and recognition program designed to encourage and reward the success of units, districts and councils. This means that Pack 39 operates at the highest level of excellence as measured by the Boy Scouts of America. Come visit us to see what a great Pack we are!
Our History
Welcome to Pack 39’s website. Pack 39 is an Austin, Texas based pack, chartered by the Bridge Point Elementary Booster Club.
The pack, which was originally chartered by Valley View Elementary School, in the Eanes Independent School District west of Austin, Texas in 1995. In 1997, that charter was moved to Eanes’ newest elementary school, Bridge Point Elementary School.
We meet monthly during the school year in the Bridge Point Elementary cafeteria at 6401 Cedar Street, Austin, Texas.
Inside our website, you will find many useful links to our pack calendar, activities and organization. You will also find numerous link to scouting resources, including planning activities and district level training opportunities.