Pack 39 Pinewood Derby

The Pinewood Derby is designed to be a learning experience for each Cub Scout. It enables the Scout to design, construct and detail the Scout’s car through adult supervision. The race itself is an opportunity to enrich competition, sportsmanship and sharing.

The weigh in (SATURDAY) and race (SUNDAY) both will take place at BPE.


Torphies are awarded for Top 3 fastest per Rank and for Top 3 fastest in the grand finale.

A Design Torphy is awarded for pack favorite and Design Torphies are awarded by the Pack Judges.


Inspection and Weigh-In

3:00pm – 5:00pm

All cars MUST comply with Pack 39 rules and pass inspection on Saturday in order to qualify to race on Sunday.

You can arrive, and leave, at your leisure.


Race Day

2:00pm – 5:00pm

We will have a food vendor onsite serving yummy food as well as snacks and drinks, so bring your appetite!

Past Pack 39 Entries

Some Resources

Pinewood Derby FAQ (Scout Life)

Scout Life Magazine’s Pinewood Derby HQ

Parts Geek’s Guide to Pinewood Derby

The Science of Making the Fastest Pinewood Derby Car (YouTube)

Pinewood Derby Physics (Wired Magazine)

(NOTE: This list was borrowed from Pack 421 Austin. Thanks!)


    Part of what makes the PWD so competative is everyone needs to work within the same rules. The full set of Pack 39 rules can be found on this page, but the big ones are:

    • Your entry must use an official PWD Block, wheels and axels.
    • Your entry must be at or under 5oz (measured to the 1,000’s of an oz.)
    • Your entry must be within the required dimensions.

    Pack 39 Pinewood Derby Rules

    Pinewood Derby Car Dimensions

    • The overall length of the car shall not exceed 7 inches. Note that this is the length of the wood block, so do not attach anything that extends beyond the front or rear (including underside weights) without shortening the block to accommodate.
    • The overall width of the car shall not exceed 2 3/4 inches.
    • The car must have 1 3/4” clearance between the wheels.
    • The car must have 3/8” clearance underneath the body so it does not rub on the track.

    Derby Car Weight

    • The car weight shall not exceed 5.00 ounces.
    • The weight registered by a race official on the official race scale that is used at car check-in shall be considered final. At check-in, time permitting, you will be allowed to tweak your car to maximize your car’s weight. Consider bringing a variety of weights with you and an adhesive to dial your weight in perfectly.

    Wood, Wheels and Axles

    • The official pine wood block must be used. The block may be shaped in any way that is desired, including detaching and re-attaching portions of the block, subject to the car dimension limitations. The substantial majority of the car’s structure must be made using the wood block.
    • Official BSA wheels from the original kit must be used. Except as explicitly noted in these rules, the wheels may not be cut, drilled, lathed, beveled or subjected any other machine modifications. Except as explicitly noted in these rules, the wheels may specifically not be modified in any way with the intent of reducing their weight. You may remove the seams and imperfections from the wheels using basic derby hand tools for purposes of truing the roundness of the wheels.
    • Only the nails that come in the kit may be used for axles. They may be altered with files and sandpaper. Use of a drill, but not a lathe, is allowed. Axles may be polished and lubricated (dry graphite only). In keeping with Pack 39 historical allowances, Axles may also be bent and rail riding (deliberately aligning car’s wheels so that it rides against the center rail) is permitted.
    • The car can have 4 or 3 wheels, in keeping with the Pack 39 historical allowances. To the extent a car is intended to ride on 3 wheels, the 4th wheel may still be attached as a means to keep the car aligned on the track and in such case the 4th non-touching wheel can be modified to reduce weight, so long as such fourth wheel is glued to the axle or car so that it is not able to spin.

    Car Modifications Not Allowed

    • Wheel bearings, washers or bushings are prohibited.
    • The car must not ride on any type of springs.
    • No starting devices. The car must be freewheeling (which, among other things, means that it may not rely on any means of propulsion other than gravity).
    • No loose material of any kind, such as lead shot, may be used (unless firmly glued / epoxied in place).

    Additional Rules

    • A new car must be created each year. You cannot reuse a car that was previously raced.