Pack Calendar

Scouting is organized in layers, and each layer has its own events. Pack and den meetings are the most important to attend. Council and district events are optional (and fun!). Choose the “Pack Event” cagetory to view just the Pack Events. Contact your den leader for den activities.

[OPTIONAL] STEMBOREE STEM council wide campout / Saturday activities @ Smilin V Scout Ranch, Liberty Hill, TX
Mar 28 – Mar 30 all-day

Camp all weekend or come for the day, Saturday, March 29, 2025 to enjoy a day full of science, technology, engineering, and math fun for all ages of Cub Scouts!  Registration opens 2/1/25 and will fill quickly! There will be a registration fee charged by the Council.

  • Cubs Scouts may attend STEMboree with their families or dens or packs.
  • Location: Smilin V Scout Ranch, Liberty Hill, TX. See council for directions and maps (link).
  • STEM activities are all day Saturday, March 29, 2025.
  • Families may camp Friday evening through Sunday morning.
  • Saturday evening includes a campfire and astronomy star party weather permitting.
  • Cubs may sign up for the specific classes they wish to attend or can enjoy the free-time STEM activities. Activities include Nova or Cosmic Awards, Elective Adventures, Shooting Sports, and free-time STEM activities. Classes are selected via on the online registration form. After registering, you may change classes online or at event check-in as long as the class has space.


Spring campout at Bastrop State Park / Pack Meeting #8 @ Bastrop State Park
Apr 4 – Apr 6 all-day
Blue and Gold Banquet / pack meeting #9 @ The Pond at Camp Mabry
Apr 27 all-day
[OPTIONAL] Scouts Trash the Trash 2025 service project @ Zilker Park
May 3 all-day

Scouts around the world will be working with a friend and cleaning up our planet together on first weekend of May!  The pack will organize a trash pickup service project alongside scouts from all over the world.

[OPTIONAL] Cub Hawaiian Hullabaloo council Saturday activities @ Camp Tom Wooten, Bastrop
May 10 @ 8:30 am – 4:00 pm

Surf on in to have some fun under the sun fishing, swimming, playing Luau games, making sand art and getting some BB, Archery and Sling Shot target practice.

During this event youth will make a take home sand art, learn some luau games, complete a take home conservation project and have time at the BB, Archery and sling shot ranges, pool and fishing dock.  Participants should bring a sack lunch.  Cost:  $35 per youth participant/ $10 for each parent/caring adult.  Registration is open and spots will fill up 2 weeks in advance.

[OPTIONAL] Days of Discovery Camp @ Pioneer Farms @ Pioneer Farms
Jun 2 @ 1:46 am – Jun 6 @ 2:46 am

Do you know what life was like in Texas in the 1800s?

Do you know what kids would do every day in the 1800s?

Do you know what they had to learn?

Day Camp at Pioneer Farms

Take a step back in time to Texas in the mid 1800s at our Days of Discovery Summer Day Camp hosted at Pioneer Farms in northeast Austin. Learn about the skills used in days gone past, such as metal shaping, quilting, candle making, gardening, archery, animal care and much more. Have you sent messages to friends using only a telegraph? At Days of Discovery, you will do all this, and more.

  • Week 1: June 2-6, 2025
  • Week 2: June 9-13, 2025

Days of Discovery Summer Day Camp is a week-long day camp. The camp starts everyday Monday-Friday at 9:00am. Camp ends at 3:30pm Monday – Thursday. On Friday, from 3:30-4:00pm, we will have a short closing campfire ceremony for parents and campers.

Lions and Tigers must have a parent attend with them; Wolf and older may be dropped off.

[OPTIONAL] TechLab: Oceans 2025. Council STEAM summer camp: 4 week long dates in June and July @ Anderson High School
Jun 23 all-day

Capitol Area Council’s premiere STEAM (the “A” stands for Art) camp provides engaging, exciting, and hands-on activities during the summer in Austin Independent School District’s state-of-the-art Applied Technology Center at Anderson High School. 9am-3:30pm, M-F.


  • Week 1 – June 23-27
  • Week 2 – July 7-11
  • Week 3 – July 14-18
  • Week 4 – July 21-25

Camp attendees will use tools like:

  • DSLR cameras
  • laser cutters/engravers
  • 3D printers
  • robotics kits
  • hydrology display boards
  • Adobe Creative Suite and Labview software
[OPTIONAL] Outdoor Overnight Adventure: Cub Scout summer camp @ Lost Pines Scout Reservation
Jun 29 @ 6:47 pm – Jul 2 @ 7:47 pm

Adventure awaits Cub Scouts of ALL ranks – Lions, Tigers, Wolves, Bears, Webelos, and Arrow of Light!  The Capitol Area Council’s Outdoor Overnight Adventure will provide four action-packed days of activities such as swimming, archery, boating, BB guns, climbing, fishing and so much more!

The event will be hosted at Lost Pines Scout Reservation which covers nearly 542 acres on the northern shores of Lake Bastrop and is the home of the tallest climbing tower in Texas, excellent catfish and largemouth bass fishing, and the best camping experience you’ll find anywhere!

Our enthusiastic, well-trained staff will guide you every step of the way.  All you need to do is come ready to have some fun!  Youth have the opportunity to earn electives, jumpstarting their advancement for their new Cub Scout rank, and they will be recognized for their achievements at camp!

All meals are included and will be served in our air-conditioned dining hall.

Camp Check-in: June 29th at 1:00 p.m.
Camp Check-out:  July 2nd at 11:00 a.m.

Youth $225
Adults $100